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Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas Blog

Keep Your Teeth Looking Great with Proper Denture Care

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 10:23 pm

Dentures can be an excellent way to restore a smile after extensive tooth loss, but they require daily care and maintenance to keep working well and looking their best. Just like with real teeth, dentures require more than just brushing to stay healthy and beautiful. Read on to learn more about what constitutes proper denture care and how to make it part of your daily routine.


Are DIY Replacement Teeth Safe to Use?

September 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 10:29 am
A DIY kit featuring felt teeth

With the rise of social media, many people now revel in do-it-yourself projects. Documenting them online is a great way to get an audience. Still, you shouldn’t make dental restoration a part of this hobby. The truth is that DIY replacement teeth aren’t safe – they can really damage your mouth. As such, you should see a qualified dentist for restorative treatments instead. To learn more, here’s a summary of why DIY replacement teeth are risky.


Why Athletes Should Opt for Dental Implants

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 4:12 pm
X-ray view of a clear model demonstrating two dental implants in front of a gray background

It’s unfortunately not uncommon for athletes to sustain injuries that can lead to tooth loss. Whether it’s from a team sport like football or baseball, or from a martial arts stand-off, there are plenty of opportunities for damage to take place when you’re in close contact with other competitors!

Thankfully, dental implants can help! They are a popular solution replace missing teeth because they offer unique benefits that can’t be achieved with other treatments. If you’re wondering what makes implants an ideal solution for athletes who have lost teeth, keep reading to find out!


Are Dental Implants Stronger Than Natural Teeth?

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 8:02 pm

Model of dental implant in dentist’s officeYour teeth are protected by the hardest substance in your body. Your enamel is stronger than some metals, but it isn’t indestructible. Damage to your tooth’s defense system can leave a gap in your smile. A dental implant is the only method of replacing the entire structure of a tooth. It creates the next best thing to what nature gave you, but is it as strong? A dental implant is supported by your jawbone and made of high-quality materials for exceptional strength and durability.


What Exactly Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

June 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 7:49 am
a woman with a bright beautiful smile from cosmetic dental treatments

Did you know that smiling not only has a positive impact on others but on your overall well-being too? Studies have shown that it reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and even lowers blood pressure. However, if you don’t feel good about how your teeth look, you are more likely to keep them hidden from others. Luckily, modern cosmetic dentistry has made it possible to help you achieve your dream pearly whites conveniently and easily! Here’s what to know about cosmetic dentistry and its treatments.  


Why Do Dental Implants Cost What They Do?

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 4:22 am
3D model of a dental implant

If you’ve talked to a dentist about replacing missing teeth, you’ve probably heard plenty about how incredible dental implants are. They’re strong, realistic, and outlast other tooth replacement options by a decade or more.

However, you may have also noticed that dental implants are substantially more expensive than other methods of tooth replacement. If you’re wondering, here’s why that is and what makes them worth the cost.


Is There an Age Limit to Complete Your Smile with Dental Implants?

April 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 6:44 pm
an older man is happily looking at his new dental implants at the dentist’s office

If you have one or more missing teeth, you are not alone in having an incomplete smile. It’s estimated that around 178 million people in the U.S. have at least one missing tooth. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with gaps in your mouth. Dental implants are able to replace your pearly whites from root to crown, providing incomparable functionality and stability. But can you still get them if you are older? Here’s what to know about age limits and dental implants, as well as their various benefits.


Considering Veneers for a New Smile? Here’s the Process!

March 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 7:27 pm
a dentist placing veneers for a smiling patient

Do you dream of having a perfect, luminous smile? If so, you should consider a cosmetic dental procedure like veneers. This treatment places ultra-thin shells of porcelain over the front surfaces of your teeth. They can cover a range of dental imperfections, including stained, chipped, cracked, gapped, or misshaped teeth.  They are completely life-like and can completely transform your pearly whites. Here’s what to know about the process of getting veneers!


Why Dental Insurance is Worth Paying For

February 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 5:43 pm
dentist holding sign that says “dental insurance”

Dental insurance is a type of health insurance that reduces your out-of-pocket costs for dental care. It generally covers treatments that improve the health of your smile and prevent issues down the line. since you likely have to pay a premium for dental insurance every month, you might wonder if it’s really worth the cost. Read on to learn more about dental insurance and how valuable it is to your oral health.


How Will Dentures Affect How I Talk?

January 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — artsfamilydent @ 7:05 pm

Dentures can give people who have lost their teeth a brand-new lease on life. They can change the way you eat, the way you laugh, and how often you can share smiles with the people you love.

However, some people worry that their dentures will also affect the way that they talk, and not for the better. If you’re getting dentures soon, it’s worth learning a little bit about what it’s like to talk while wearing them. If you’re in that situation, here’s a guide that might help.

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