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Traditional Orthodontics- Dallas, TX

A Reliable Path to Straighter Smiles

It’s not uncommon for patients of any age to be unhappy with the way their teeth are aligned. Overcrowded, misaligned, and unevenly spaced teeth can draw all kinds of unwanted attention. Whether you have a child that’s ready to begin orthodontic treatment or are considering making some improvements to your own grin, you can call Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas today to set up a consultation to see if traditional orthodontics from our Dallas, TX cosmetic dentist are your best option for getting the smile you want.

Smiling teen with traditional orthodontics

Why Choose Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas for Traditional Orthodontics?


How Do Traditional Braces Work?

Teen with traditional braces at the dental office

Traditional braces have been used for many decades, and they’re one of the most well-known options for orthodontic treatment. There are other options for straightening teeth such as clear aligners, but traditional braces remain unmatched in their ability to address a wide variety of orthodontic issues, from relatively simple cases of misalignment to more complex ones.

Braces are made up of three main components: the metal brackets attached to the teeth, the wires that connect the brackets, and elastics. A special bonding agent is used to bond the brackets to the enamel. Then a metal wire is threaded through the brackets and held in place with elastics. The wire helps move teeth to their new positions; it will need to be adjusted throughout the treatment so that the pressure is always directed in the right direction. For younger patients, the elastics used to keep the wire in place can come in a variety of different colors, giving them a chance to get creative with their smile while their underlying orthodontic issues are being corrected.

The ultimate goal of braces is to create a straighter, healthier smile along with a properly aligned bite. As such, the treatment may need to be customized slightly to achieve specific orthodontic goals.


Who is a Good Candidate for Traditional Braces?

Smiling family of four outdoors after screening for traditional orthodontics

Many people assume that traditional braces are only for children, but they are suitable for patients of virtually any age. To be a candidate for braces, you need to be in good oral health, and you should have any necessary dental work – such as gum disease therapy, fillings, or extractions – completed before starting the process. It may be necessary to remove teeth before braces if they could prevent the rest of your mouth from making the necessary movements.


What Are the Benefits of Straighter Teeth?

Mother and daughter enjoying the benefits of straighter teeth

Straighter teeth come with many notable advantages. For example:

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