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Wisdom Tooth Extractions Dallas

Protecting Your Smile from Complications

Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas welcomes patients of all ages to take advantage of our services, and naturally, that includes any young adults who are around the age when their wisdom teeth are expected to come in. To avoid problems with these teeth and protect your smile from complications, we can perform extractions so that troublesome wisdom teeth never have a chance to cause lasting damage. Give us a call to learn more about our approach to wisdom tooth extractions in Dallas, TX.

Woman receiving wisdom tooth extraction

Why Choose Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas for Wisdom Tooth Extractions? 

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Digital illustration of impacted wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars, which develop at the back of the mouth when an individual is in their teens or early adulthood. Most people get four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant of the mouth, though some individuals get more or fewer.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Man in pain before wisdom tooth extraction

It is sometimes possible to keep wisdom teeth if they are able to erupt fully and do not cause any damage to the rest of the smile. That said, an extraction may be the only option if wisdom teeth become fully or partially impacted, which can cause pain, crowded teeth, and dental infections. We can evaluate your wisdom teeth and check to see if they are likely to cause any problems in your mouth when left alone; if they are, we will take steps to have them removed as soon as possible.

What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Procedure

Smiling patient talking with her dentist

Before extracting wisdom teeth, we numb the mouth. We may also administer sedation. Once you are comfortable, we may use an elevator to lift each tooth out of its socket, grasp it with forceps, and then gently break the connective tissues holding it in place.

If the wisdom teeth are impacted (stuck beneath the gumline), removing them may require a more complex procedure. It might even be necessary to create incisions in your gums or break the teeth into pieces.

Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Man resting peacefully on sofa at home

Most people are back to feeling normal within 1 – 2 weeks after their procedure. In the meantime, you may experience swelling, discomfort, and intermittent bleeding. You can reduce your discomfort and lower your risk of complications by taking some simple steps:

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